Halvah Cookies Tarifi - Torku Yemek Tarifleri

Halvah Cookies - Torku Yemek Tarifleri

Put 100 gr plain tahini halvah in a small pan. Add 1 coffee cup of milk and melt helvah at a low heat by stirring continuously. Allow to cool.

Combine margarine with powdered sugar, mix with your hands until it becomes creamy. Add egg and melted halvah and stir. Add ground hazelnut, baking powder and knead by adding flour slowly. Roll the dough with the help of rolling pin and cut in the mold. Place cookies on baking tray with grease-proof paper apart from each other

Apply water on them with a brush and sprinkle sesame seeds on them. Bake for 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 170 degrees.

Ingredients To apply on them

100 gr Torku Plain Halvah
1 Coffee Cup Torku Milk (50 ml) 
125 gr Margarine 
1 Coffee Cup (50 gr) Torku Powdered Sugar
1 Egg
40 gr Margarine
1 Coffee Cup Water
1 Egg

Sesame Seeds